Maybe it's pregnancy, but as soon as I saw this brownie recipe on one of the cooking blogs I haunt, I couldn't stop thinking about it. And thinking about it. And, well, you get the idea . . .
Plus they use these fun new "StackerMallows" that we discovered. These marshmallows are intended for s'mores, but (if I do say so myself) we have become quite the s'mores connoisseures (ever since we put in a backyard firepit last year!), and these just aren't great for s'mores. Primarily because, how do you get them on a roasting stick? The package suggests you put together your grahams, marshmallows, and chocolate, then wrap the entire thing in a piece of foil to stick it on the grill or in the fire. But really, apart from satisfying a wintertime craving for smores (this would work in a toaster oven too I assume), who would pass up the toasty marshmallow exterior and risk a soggy graham with the tinfoil method??

Here's the link so you can try them:
Yum, yum, yum . . .