One new thing I found: this Tyson Grilled and Ready Chicken Breast Fillets. It seemed healthy and tasty.
As usual, I overstocked and he didn't use this, so when I got back I thought, great--easy meal! I cooked them up with some veggies and potatoes for Sunday dinner. YIKES!
I just have decided that buying pre-prepared frozen food is just not worth it. These chicken breast fillets were just NASTY. I ate mine, feeling guilty about wasting it, but it just wasn't good. They apparently add some kind of flavoring to make it taste like it has been grilled. Yuck Yuck Yuck. I don't even know what to do with the rest of the package. I've been similarly disappointed in other frozen foods. I bought some frozen stir fry meals with veggies and meat when we were moving last summer and I was looking for some quick, easy meals in my disassembled kitchen. They were equally NASTY.

I guess I'm just spoiled to have time to make my own waffles (I really think it's worth the extra 10 minutes in the kitchen to whip up your own homemade waffles, and it's probably a lot healthier, too).
I was a little shocked to see now that they have frozen pancakes available. How do you freeze a pancake and have it remain good?

So, now a couple of SAFE frozen food bets (at least from my own experience!):

I also like the Birds Eye frozen corn and peas, they are definitely worth spending a little extra for above the store-brand price, they are usually very flavorful and taste fresh.
And finally, our frozen food of choice: Vanilla Ice Cream. Whatever brand might be on sale at the moment. We're not terribly picky (although we don't buy off-brand). Good luck shoppers!
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